Infrastructure and Bringing in New Technology: Advice to a New CISO


EAB video series # 6 (out of 6)Hear cyber security leaders talk about challenges and opportunities for a new CISO.

It is very important for a new CISO to know the business. For that the CISO might want to talk to partners and users to understand what is working and what is not. In addition, it is important to get close to the real customers. Understand the success criteria, is it compliance, control or something else? A CISO might want to think about how to build resiliency in to the environment which could mean building a kill chain model. A CISO can broaden the horizon by thinking beyond the infrastructure and bringing in new technology like User Behavior Analytics. It also means bringing in data science for the data volume and understanding what is actionable.

Gurucul’s Risk Analytics (GRA) is a leader in user behavior analytics data science to surface unknown risks and threats using identity as a threat plane.

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